Prof. Dr. Stephan Seidenspinner

Prof. Dr. Stephan Seidenspinner has worked as a consultant in the areas of risk and asset management as well as regulatory reporting for over 20 years. He has many years of practical experience in the implementation of risk management approaches and regulatory requirements. In addition, Mr. Seidenspinner works as a professor at the University of […]
Dejan Davidovic

Mr. Davidovic is the co-founder and Chief Operating and Integrity Officer of Kriptomat Group, Estonia and Europe’s fast-growing cryptocurrency investing platform. Dejan is a dynamic and innovative leader who has transformed Kriptomat into a regulatory white knight in the often murky and complex world of cryptocurrency. He has done this by building a culture of compliance, […]
Dr. Hans‑Jakob Schindler

Following a career with the federal government of Germany from 2001 to 2011, within the private sector from 2011 to 2013 and as a member and Coordinator of the ISIL, al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team of the United Nations Security Council until 2018, where he advised the member of the Security Council on global counter […]
Process Optimisation

Working with a European FinTech, we led an initiative to optimise processes, structures and resilience in the sensitive area of AML investigations & suspicious activity reporting. We introduced standardised typology rules to expedite processing of financial crime cases and to allow timely reporting of SARs. In addition we introduced metrics reporting to reduce manual calculation […]
Operational Remediation
We were asked to support a global European FinTech in their remediation of a sensitive workload of AML related events. Initially asked to support this in case processing, we also became involved in the overall process & reporting discussion. We trained internal and external staff to use our analysis and investigation methods, which both improved […]
Group Governance Setup
Our team was asked to support a FinTech in their organisational structure, in particular their governance and operations. The organisation did not have an appropriate governance & decision structure and had undefined and undocumented processes. We were able to implement effective governance functions, including decision forums and defining clear accountabilities of tasks. Through our work […]
German License Application
We were tasked with supporting a crypto exchange in the application for a licence pursuant to section 32 (1) of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz, KWG), § 14 of the German Reports Regulation (Anzeigenverordnung, AnzV) for providing principal broking (Finanzkommissionsgeschäft) pursuant to section 1 (1) sentence 2 no. 4 KWG, Proprietary Trading (Eigenhandel) pursuant to section 1 […]
Vitay Golz

Vitay is responsible for our Counter Terrorism Operations and Risk Management. It is his belief that to lastingly reduce financial crime, AFC work should not be carried out behind closed doors. Instead, every major success fighting it should be published, and its approach shared with the AFC community. That way, criminals will not only recognize […]
Thomas Ball

Thomas is the CEO and founder of BerFin Advisory GmbH and a leading expert in the field of Anti Financial Crime and Compliance. The purpose and focus of his work is the continual creation of innovative new solutions to combat money laundering and fraud. Thomas possesses an extensive range of experience from legal and regulated environments […]